Higher prices in liquidation sale

Recently on the radio there was a story where someone was closing their store and liquidating the inventory.  The interesting comment to me was that people were paying more during the liquidation sale than they were before they announced the liquidation.

There are probably several factors involved that convinced people to buy, and figuring out how to emulate those can be benficial:
  • A sense of urgency.  In a liquidation sale it is clearly a limited quantity, that when it's gone, it's gone.
  • Presumption of value.  Many people may assume they are getting a great deal, if there is a sale on and the store couldn't make money at the regular price.  The customer may have left feeling like they got it at a steal.
You probably don't want to go through a liquidation sale, but if there are other outside forces you can use, for example road construction around your business, the recent snow storms, or any other plausible excuse that means you have extra goods, your customers may be only too willing to take advantage.


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