Leading the Pack Even When You're Out-Ranked and Out-Gunned "Leadership depends more upon the man than the rank." - Harold Geneen For good or bad, I consider myself fortunate to have missed the Vietnam experience. But I've talked to enough vets to know that "fragging" was much more common than the public knew; meaning, grunts shooting their leader in the back. This demonstrates that rank doesn't necessarily guarantee respect. The same thing is true in less deadly situations. Just because you're the boss no longer means anybody will do as you ask. Fortunately, this has a very positive flip side. When I first read this, I was also reading Ringer's stuff, and I realized that you can take control, assume leadership and be the boss in situations where you have no rank. This is a very liberating idea. It frees you from structure, from intimidation and from a whole lot of very limiting past programming. You can ...
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